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Convocatoria para Festival NEWCOMERSHOW

Rodrigo Hernández

Hasta el 18 de Abril sigue abierta la convocatoria para participar en el Festival Newcomershow en Leipzig, Alemania.

Un festival competitivo pensado para introducir nuevos actos en el mercado de los Varietés Alemanes. El único requisito es no haber trabajado antes en Varietés Alemanes.

<<The Newcomershow presents four spectacular evenings of comedy, acrobatic artistry and innovation. We offer both new and seasoned professionals (of any age) a chance to deput their talent in German Variety. After Sunday´s Gala show, the Festival provides a meet-and-greet buffet dinner where artists can personally meet the leading agents and directors from German Variety. The festival prizes are in form of contract offers from the largest and most prestigious Variety theatres in Germany. Prize winners are guarenteed contract offers - which means you´ve made it! You´re performing in German Variety Theatre. Not only that, but throughout the festival week, artists will have access to support and advice from our fabulous and experienced staff on anything from professionalism in emailing to business card design and how to receive and sign contracts.>>

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Centro Mexicano de Documentación Circense


Andrea Torres | Andrea Peláez | Rodrigo Hernández

Av. Hidalgo No. 195, Tlalpan, Unidad Habitacional Fuentes Brotantes, San Andrés Totoltepec, 14410  

CDMX  México

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